Career Cruising
Career Cruising is an industry leading online guidance and planning system. As a school division, LPSD, has adopted career crusining as an online portol for students 7-12. is a great site for students to investigate future careers. Some features of this web site are:
- Career Matchmaking section, an interest assessment tool
- Explore Careers section, an in-depth profile of careers
- Explore Education & Training section, information on college, university, and apprenticeship programs to help you plan your education and training
- Career Portfolio Tool, keeps track of all your career exploration activities
- Resume Builder, build your resume over a series of years and have it ready when you need it.
Some Basic Information for Career Cruising
Each student will have their own username and password to gain access to their site. Parents will be provided with a copy of this username and password at parent teacher interviews so parents can work with students to support their child as they discover what they might want to do with their life.
Step 1: Career Cruising
Step 2: Login into your account with your username and password.
Step 3: Complete the following
A) Assessments
1. Career Matchmaker
- Allows you to see why they have given you this career.
- Allows you to edit or view answers.
2. My Skills
- Allows you to edit or view answers.
3. Learning Style Inventory
Avoid answers of “Does Not Matter”.
B) Portfolio
- Add own files and links.
C) Printer Friendly Version of all to Print off.
D) Sidebar
- If there are little flaps that mean there are other areas to see or that you have completed.
E) Career Preparation
- Clusters: allows you to see groupings of careers.