Advisors: Mrs. Scutt & Mrs. Woytiuk
Our Hands at Work Club spends countless hours each year raising money for and building relationships with the vulnerable orphan children in a remote community in Malawi, Africa. Our help supports the children in 3 main areas: education, health care and food supplies. We are embarking on our 7th year this year.
“Hands at Work” works in vulnerable communities across Africa where HIV/AIDS, poverty and numbers of orphans are highest and support structures are very low. “Hands at Work” identify local leaders within vulnerable communities who are already demonstrating a passion to serve the poor and broken in their community. Trained volunteers support these leaders in developing a locally-owned organization in their community and begin a long-term relationship of service and partnership.
Many of our students have maintained a relationship with the children in Africa, through letter writing, pictures, post cards and other school projects. This past July, a group of teachers, community members and recently graduated students,visited the community and were able to see first-hand the impact our school has had. We got to spend time with our children and help serve. We spent time in their homes, made and served the one meal a day, played with the children, encouraged, and loved them. We have put together a video to offer a glimpse into the lives of the children who live in that community and show how our students and staff help. We hope you have time to watch it.